Improve Your Life. EPIC-ly.

Timeless wisdom becomes your day-to-day life coach – and the results are transformative. See the value in virtues and unlock amazing possibilities.

“In a world where it’s so easy to get distracted from what really matters… the E.P.I.C. framework can help you recenter and focus on immediate strategies to help you live a happier and healthier life.”

Katie Hood
Former CEO of One Love Foundation and The Michael J. Fox Foundation

Want an EPIC life?

EPIC stands for “Excellence Personified in Character.” EPIC Everyday is a blueprint for increased happiness and personal success by revitalizing the way we use timeless virtues in our everyday lives.

The Seven Virtues
Discover the 7 Virtues

The Benefits

Improved personal and professional relationships

Improved mental and physical health

A positive influence that is contagious 
and beneficial to others

Increased happiness, success
and personal fulfillment

Experience the book. Experience the book.
Experience the book. Experience the book.

What’s New and E.P.I.C…

Hear EPIC Everyday founder Kristin Noto on recent podcasts…

“Everyday Coach”
with Harrison Bernstein
Discover EPIC Happenings